Creating Value

The Entrepreneurial Free Agent and Dejobbed Small Business R&D Lab
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Creating Value in the Network Economy
by Don Tapscott

There are particular classics in every media -- from literature, to art, to music, to math. Pieces of work that anticipate the future, if fulfilled, become classics to study for the insights they provide.

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Despite the 1993 to 1998 publication dates for the articles in this book, the issues they address make them classics in the making. Creating Value in the Network Economy is a collection of 12 essays that originally appeared in the Harvard Business Review. Together they address the future of business in this increasingly wired, globally connected, business-at-the-click-of-a-button world.

Sure, 'dot com' visibility escalates weekly. And 'B2B', 'B2C', and 'e-hub' articles are emerging on the newsstands. But only a few grasp exactly what all this means to their own operations. And, while they order things from others on line, they have yet to understand the impact to their own business that will very shortly follow.

Like it or not, the Internet is driving all businesses to fundamentally re-think the way they do everything. The rules of engagement with the world outside the company are radically changing, while the new rules of working inside the company are undergoing fundamental change.

Creating Value in the Network Economy is edited and introduced by Don Tapscott, the noted author/editor of The Digital Economy, Blueprint to the Digital Economy, and Growing Up Digital.

Each work in this collection is interesting. But the focus piece in the Rants and Raves newsletter is The Dawn of the E-Lance Economy by Thomas W. Malone and Robert J. Laubacher. You can find this article on-line and download it for a fee or you can get this book and see the complete picture through the dozen articles presented there.

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